Wednesday, August 31, 2011

FREE Download Labor Day PowerPoint Templates and Backgrounds

Labor Day
"Labor Day" is a United States federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September and in 2011, it is on September 5.

The first Labor Day in the United States was observed on September 5, 1882, by the Central Labor Union of New York. It became a federal holiday in 1894, when, following the deaths of a number of workers at the hands of the U.S. military and U.S. Marshals during the Pullman Strike, President Grover Cleveland put reconciliation with the labor movement as a top political priority.

There are many patterns of celebration. A street parade to exhibit to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations," followed by a festival for the workers and their families. Prominet men and women will make speeches and in their speeches, more emphasis is placed upon the economic and civil significance of the holiday. Other forms of celebration include picnics, barbecues, fireworks displays, water sports, and public art events.

Labor Day is also often regarded as a day of rest and parties. Families with school-age children take it as the last chance to travel before the end of summer recess. Similarly, some teenagers and young adults view it as the last weekend for parties before returning to school, although school starting times now vary.

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Labor Day PowerPoint Background 1

Labor Day PowerPoint Background 2

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Labor Day PowerPoint Background 4

Labor Day PowerPoint Background 5

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

Lamborghini Murcielago LP640
Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

FREE Download Universiade 2011 Sports PowerPoint Background, Sports PowerPoint Templates and Sports Wallpapers

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The 2011 Summer Universiade, the XXVI Summer Universiade, was hosted in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. Shenzhen is choosen from five candidates, including the cities of Kazan, Russia, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Shenzhen, China, Murcia, Spain, and Poznań, Poland.

The magnificent sports meet lasted from Aug 12 to Aug 23, 2011. And now, the metal count has been published. China owns 75 Golds, 39 Silvers and 31 Bronzes and is the TOP 1 on Metal Count List. Russia and South Korea are following behind.

There are universiade sports powerpoint backgrounds , sports powerpoint templates and sports wallpapers below.

Sports PowerPoint Backgrounds

Universiade 2011 Sports PowerPoint Background 1
Universiade 2011 Sports PowerPoint Background 1

Universiade 2011 Sports PowerPoint Background 2
Universiade 2011 Sports PowerPoint Background 2

Universiade 2011 Sports PowerPoint Background 3
Universiade 2011 Sports PowerPoint Background 3

Universiade 2011 Sports PowerPoint Background 4
Universiade 2011 Sports PowerPoint Background 4

Universiade 2011 Sports PowerPoint Background 5
Universiade 2011 Sports PowerPoint Background 5

Sports PowerPoint Templates

Sports Wallpapers
Universiade Sports Wallpapers 1
Universiade Sports Wallpapers 1

Universiade Sports Wallpapers 2
Universiade Sports Wallpapers 2

Universiade Sports Wallpapers 3
Universiade Sports Wallpapers 3

Universiade Sports Wallpapers 4
Universiade Sports Wallpapers 4

Universiade Sports Wallpapers 5
Universiade Sports Wallpapers 5

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

Lamborghini Murcielago LP640
Lamborghini Murcielago LP640

Brian Kendrick and Paul London Reviews

Paul London & Brian Kendrick One of the last good tag teams that the WWE had when their tag division was beginning it’s downward spiral was these guys. It was after London had a decent tag team run with Billy Kidman, leading to a rivalry between the two before Kidman was fired and when the WWE finally decided to ditch the whole crap that was Kendrick’s “Spanky” nickname. The two held on to the tag team titles for a solid year before they lost the belts to a team that looked like something the movie “Grease” puked up in Deuce & Domino. Then there was the draft which split up London and Kendrick that lead to London eventually being shown the door and though he had a brief singles run as “THE Brian Kendrick,” Kendrick followed suit months after he started that gimmick.

Brian Kendrick and Paul London

Brian Kendrick and Paul London

Brian Kendrick and Paul London

Brian Kendrick and Paul London

Brian Kendrick wwe Champion

Mighty Man Millson II (Real name, Adam Jones) is a 25 year old Middleweight wrestler from Manchester, England. He was trained by his father, 'The Great' Ian Millson (Real name, James Jones), and fought in many local independent promotions, before getting the nod over several superb athletes to work for the GHW E-Fed. He was trained further by Jaggeroth once he reached GHW, as Jaggeroth thought he could make a World Champion out of Millson.

Wrestling Repetoire Common Moves : Backbreaker submission Backhand chop Double underhook transitioned into a backbreaker Double Underhook powerbomb Diving European uppercut Top Rope Splash Flying forearm smash Hurricanrana MMM style Missile dropkick One-handed bulldog Running back elbow Corkscrew back elbow German Suplex Gutwrench Suplex Tiger Suplex Vertical Suplex Schoolboy Scoop slam Spinning wheel kick Springboard dropkick to an opponent on the ring apron Pele Kick Standing enzuigiri Stepping on the opponent's chest with one foot in a pinning attempt, with theatrics Triple powerbomb usually to a lighter opponent Top Rope Leg Drop Signature Moves: Rolling Thunder Spear (Unrivaled Love) Moonsault (Quadruple M's)

Finishing Moves: Cattle Mutilation (Mighty Mutilation) Super Kick

Mighty Millson, as he was first named, first set his mind on becoming a GHW superstar when his father was rejected for a GHW contract, and in rejection turned to drugs, serving a prison sentence for possession with intent to deal. This set up Millson for a GHW contract after serving in the Indy's of wrestling. After stunning fans worldwide with his superb athleticism and charisma, GHW couldn't say no to him, and he took the name Mighty Man Millson II after his dad. Before debuting, management showed a vignette of Millson telling his dad he had reached GHW, and the proud reaction his dad gave him, to give Millson some fan favoritism. However, before his debut, Millson attacked a jobber in the on-site pool, and attacked Charlie Coors, the GHW interviewer, in frustration after his dad had heaped on the praise of his son. Millson told the fans in a website interview that he had let anger get the better of him and apologized to the two men he had attacked, which clawed back some fans onto his side.

The next week, another vignette showed, claiming that Millson's mom had also committed suicide when he was a young child, and he had been raised alone, which gave the fans more sympathy to heap onto MMM II. However, in a legitimate encounter, Millson threatened another wrestler, Wreckingball, which made the management suspend Millson, and prolong his debut by a further two weeks. His eventual debut was against a man in a similar situation to his, Henry Cooper. He had lost his wife and little daughter in a car crash, and had been to prison for driving under the influence. Millson came out to the ring and told Cooper that he had the utmost respect for him, but as both men were on their debut, Millson hadn't scouted Cooper thoroughly, and Millson was rolled up for the loss.

After his loss to Henry Cooper, Cooper was promoted to the main card of GHW, and Millson had to remain in the dark matches. On telling his father this, Ian Millson disowned MMM II, and drove The Mighty One over the edge. The next week, Millson faced Anthony Andrews and claimed that the only reason he had lost to Cooper was because of Cooper's background which had threw Millson off guard, and he guaranteed a win over Andrews to get his dad back on his side. But when Andrews refused to show up, due to injury, Millson lost his patience and dragged AA from backstage and into the ring, locking in the Mighty Mutilation before the bell rang to start the match. When Andrews recovered, and had Millson in trouble, a man jumped from the crowd and passed Millson some brass knuckles, which he used to win his first GHW match.

After the match, Millson confirmed his heel turn by lambasting the fans and ordering the mystery man attack Anthony Andrews some more, which he did. The man was revealed to be Big Robertson Ryder, a 309 pound goliath from Guyana, and this day marked the formation of the Big Mighty Ltd Tag Team. Millson then faced Matt Jacobs, with Robertson Ryder at ringside for the first time, but Jacobs was scared away by Ryder before the match, and so Millson won the match by Count-Out, but had stopped caring how he won, just as long as he did. Big Mighty Ltd became a feared partnership and constantly made backstage jobbers intimidated, but also winning on debut as a Tag Team against the newly formed Tag Team of AJ Scally and Eddie Hall. This series of 3 wins in a row, and the fact that he was one of the most athletic superstars on the roster, earned Mighty Man Millson II a GHW Television shot in a 4-Way Ladder match at their PPV Red, White and Bruised against Logan Scott, Young Gangsta and Jason Murphy. Millson called out all three the night this was announced which garnered more heat from fans.